Ellsworth Public Library

Welcome to this page where we document the progress of our Library Renovations Project.
Our goal is to ensure that the library continues to be a vibrant, inclusive, and functional community hub.

February 2025:

The fourth public concept meeting will be held on February 20, 2025 at 8:30 AM in the Riverview Room (the event page allows you to add the event to your calendar).

February 4 | NewscenterMaine:
Plans in the works at Ellsworth Public Library to upgrade the over 200-year-old building
(click on the image to get to the video)

“We cannot ask the taxpayers of Ellsworth to fund it. It has to come from multiple funding sources,” Lesko said. While leaders haven’t finalized a plan yet, they said the cost of project is expected to reach $5 million. 

Beyond the necessary improvements, leaders are hoping to establish a place that fosters more community engagement. “It’s really the last public space where anyone can visit and be an equal,” Lesko said. 

Leaders with Ellsworth Public Library said that they are waiting to confirm the final cost of the project before moving forward with funding plans.”

January 2025:

Following our two public meetings, we this month, we compiled participants’ feedback and submitted it to DGC and the cost estimator.

These were the main concerns:

1.1 Shrink the circ desk area slightly to allow more room for the computer lab/copier area and place a wall in-between.

A wall with doors to give the teen space more privacy has also been discussed by staff and patrons. Upstairs, we would like to see the reference desk smaller and moved to the side. It will only be staffed by 1 person.

1.6 No handrail at the Tisdale House entrance. Also, it has been suggested that the brick patio should be a concrete patio with a brick border to better accommodate people using canes or walkers.

Here is an amended sketch of the floor plan.

We are getting closer to developing a final budget

During these upcoming two public design meetings, we collected feedback on the current plans to finalize the library designs (see Library Floor Remodel | Landscaping Site Design). This step was crucial in developing a final budget to submit for congressionally directed funding and our next steps in the fundraising process.

Two public meetings took place on:
Tuesday, January 21 at 11 AM
Wednesday, January 22 at 8 AM

Work in Progress – Concept Plan Reiterations

The 3rd Public Concept Design Meeting took place on Thursday, January 16 at 8:30 AM.
Find out more: Meeting Agenda
These versions of the design plans were discussed: Library Floor Remodel | Landscaping Site Design

Help us reach our goal of $40K before July 2025

The money raised will be critical in matching grant funds we are applying for this year to make the remodel of the library a reality. Every contribution makes a difference— thank you for your support!


December 2024:

The Ellsworth American: Library Building Assessment Finds Code Issues (23 December 2024)

“Critical projects that need to be done “as soon as feasible” include closing the Riverview meeting room and relocating the meeting space to the first or second floor, upgrading the sprinkler system and extending it into the Tisdale House, separating the main floor and the basement with a one-hour ceiling assembly for fire safety and adding an accessible exit to the main level.” (Read the article here)

ARPA Funds Allocated to the Library during Ellsworth City Council Meeting – 16 December 2024

“The city’s remaining $129,081 in ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funds were allocated to the library, INSPIRE center and the Public Works Department in a 5-1 vote by city councilors Monday. The library, which has identified a slew of necessary upgrades following a building inspection, was allocated $72,833 in ARPA funding.”

quoted from “Remaining Ellsworth ARPA funds allocated” by Sarah Halberstadt | The Ellsworth American
Watch the Council Meeting here:

Update: Second Design Meeting

Our second concept design meeting took place on Thursday, December 12 at 9 AM – 10 AM. — > Meeting Minutes.
The same week, on Friday, December 13, library director, Sarah Lesko and Board of Trustees members, Craig MacDonald and Rain Perez presented updated budget drafts based on the Building Assessment Report to the City Council of Ellsworth. You can watch the session below:

November 2024: Building Assessment Report is now available

The recently finalized Building Assessment Report for the Ellsworth Public Library, prepared by Design Group Collaborative (DGC), has identified critical building issues that require prompt attention.

This comprehensive evaluation reviewed the building’s architecture, structure, mechanical systems, and adjacent site. Key recommendations include extending the sprinkler system into the Tisdale House, providing accessible egress routes, and relocating or modifying spaces to meet modern safety and code standards.

These essential improvements are part of a larger effort to preserve and enhance the library’s role as a vital community resource. The estimated cost for addressing these issues, along with necessary adjustments to meeting and office spaces, is $716,232, excluding potential cost escalation.

Included within the appendix of this report is an itemized cost spreadsheet of all the recommended improvements, organized by priority based on the discussions with the Library, severity of deterioration, and impact to the Library’s operations. Items listed as “Critical” should be addressed as soon as feasible. “Priority 1” items are recommended to be addressed in 1‐5 years, “Priority 2” 5‐10 years, “Priority 3” 10‐20 years, and “Maintenance” items are recommended to be done annually as needed and the Library budget allows. A more detailed description of each Priority level can be found in the appendix.

UPDATE: Fall Meetings 2024

The following meetings are scheduled for October and November.
Please get in touch if you have any questions: info@ellsworthlibrary.net or call us at 207 667 6363.

  • Monday, November 18 at 1 PM – Concept Design Kick-Off Meeting | Riverview Room
  • Thursday, November 14 at 10 AM – Full Building Assessment Review | City Hall Auditorium
  • Friday, November 8 at 12 PM – Special Board of Trustees Meeting | Riverview Room
    – Building assessment review with state fire marshal | Riverview Room
  • Thursday, October 24 at 10:30 AM – Public committee space planning | EPL Main Floor
    The focus of this meeting is to brainstorm rearranging library spaces to meet the goals of increased safety, adding quiet spaces, and greater accessibility.

October 2024: Building Assessment

The building assessment is currently being completed and will be posted by November 14, 2024.

The Ellsworth Public Library is working with the Design Group Collaborative (DGC) which is located in Ellsworth, Maine. DGC includes licensed architects and designers with 100+ combined years of design experience with education facilities.

For over our nineteen-year history DGC developed specialties in education building assessments, capital improvement reports and design that propelled the firm’s growth.

We have excellent working relationships with school districts as well as federal, state and local regulatory agencies. DGC is registered and has performed work with the Federal Government as a Women Owned Small Business (WOSB).

September 2024: Feasibility Study

EDIT (October 22,2024): Due to critical issues found during the building assessment process, there is currently no feasibility study being pursued.

“The library will be embarking on a renovation soon to tackle some critical issues and do a little bit of space rearranging to make the best use of our space, and our next step is a feasibility study, so if you’re paying attention to library renovations, we’ll be announcing a feasibility study soon.” said Library Director, Sarah Lesko:

August 2024: 1st Public Space Planning Meeting

On Tuesday, August 13, 2024 we hosted our first Public Renovation Planning Meeting on the main floor of the library. This meeting was crucial in the ongoing efforts to collect community which started with the release of the our Public Library’s Space Planning Survey in July 2024.

If you were unable to attend our 1st Public Meeting on August 13 please feel free to download our presentation here by clicking on the image on the left. It contains a recap of the survey results, first ideas for how to restructure the interior and ways for residents and patrons to support this important project.

During this event, Library Director Sarah Lesko informed attendees about the survey results and presented different ideas and preliminary floor plans. This was followed by an open forum for attendees to discuss their ideas and suggestions. It was also a chance to get further involved in a number of committees that focus on design, community engagement, youth spaces, advocacy, finance, and technology at the library. These committees will meet at varying frequencies throughout the different stages of this project (Please take a look at the pdf presentation below for further details).

Architect Carla Haskell, who drafted the initial floor plans, will participate in the event. Haskell is the owner of Design Group Collaborative in Ellsworth, a LEED-certified architect, a past president of The Grand’s Board of Directors, and the current chair of the board of directors of Ellsworth’s Historical Society, where she plays an active role in the Old Jail Preservation Committee.

Read about it in the Ellsworth American: Ellsworth Public Library unveils renovation plans.
An interview with Library Director, Sarah Lesko, aired local radio station Star FM 97.7 on August 9, 2024:

July 2024: Release of Our Public Survey

In July 2024, we invited local communities to participate in our Space Planning Survey to gather insights from the community.

The library, which is housed in the iconic Tisdale House, is embarking on a new renovation project to improve the experience at the library.

The focus is on adding square footage without major building expansions. To adjust to the growing needs of its staff and the community, input from from the community is crucial to create a space that meets the diverse needs of all the library’s patrons and visitors.

It is the library’s goal to maintain and extend its role as a vibrant, inclusive, and functional community hub. The library wanted to hear from frequent visitors, occasional users, or first-time guests alike.

The survey was open to the public all throughout July and closed on Wednesday, July 31. Read about it in the Ellsworth American: Ellsworth library renovation project seeks community feedback